Many of the current misconceptions about immigration were
heavily promoted by the corporate media in the past, but establishment outlets
have occasionally published sensible articles on the subject
recently—especially since Trump entered the White House.
In this selection, a New York Times piece shows
that “amnesty” shouldn’t be a dirty
word—living here without legal status is one of the few violations that
don’t get a routine amnesty through the statute of limitations. At the Washington
Post a Mexican-American citizen explains that she isn’t better than
undocumented Mexicans just because her father immigrated here before there were
limits on Mexican immigration. And at Bloomberg News Noah Smith
deconstructs the fantasy that mass
deportations would somehow help U.S. citizens (although he does repeat the
tired and questionable cliché about crops rotting in the fields).—TPOI editor

October 11, 2017
The biggest taboo in the immigration debate is the idea of
an “amnesty.” Immigration opponents routinely paint amnesties for undocumented
immigrants in the United States as catastrophic blows to the rule of law.
The implication is that the only proper thing to do is
enforce laws uniformly, all the time, without exceptions — and that an
immigration amnesty would thus be a threat to truth, justice and the American
But there’s a problem with that theory: Amnesties, though
not always labeled as such, are central to how the nation’s legal system
Read the full article:
My family immigrated here legally. I used to think that
made us special.
It took travel and time for me to realize how arbitrary
and unfair our immigration system is.
By Amanda Machado, Washington Post
October 13, 2017
Amanda Machado is a writer and educator who lives in
Oakland, Calif.
During my first year in college, in 2006, I walked across
campus one day and found hundreds of white crosses staked on the main green. An
immigration activist group had created a mock graveyard to honor people who had
died crossing the border. As I passed the demonstration, I felt uncomfortable.
As a Latina with U.S. citizenship, I didn’t know how to
identify with the undocumented-immigration battle, which is again raging after
hard-line immigration proposals from the White House.[…]
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Ousting undocumented workers can hurt the economy and put American freedoms at risk.
By Noah Smith, Bloomberg News
October 5, 2017
In its zeal to deport unauthorized immigrants, the U.S.
risks turning itself into a quasi-police state -- all for little or no benefit
to the native-born.
First of all, net illegal immigration to the U.S. ended a
decade ago [...]
Read the full article:
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