Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Problem with ObamaCare that Nobody Talks About

While we were demonstrating, I saw a young boy kicking a soda can down the street. I thought to myself, ”That is what they are doing to our children, kicking their futures down the road like an old dirty half crushed soda can."

By Elvira Arellano, Centro sin Fronteras
April 11, 2012

The national news lit up last week after the Supreme Court heard arguments about ”Obama Care.” The court will decide if Obama’s effort to provide health insurance for most U.S. citizens be requiring all citizens to buy insurance is constitutional.

The news coverage reminded me of the time Familia Latina Unida demonstrated outside on the steps of the Supreme Court. We were asking the Supreme Court to hear our lawsuit which sought to stop the government from deporting the parents of U.S. citizen children. We argued that it violated the constitutional rights of the children. Sadly, the court never decided to hear our case. [...]

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