Friday, February 27, 2015

Prepararse o Quedar Dependiente/Getting Ready or Getting Dependent?

Prepararse o Quedar Dependiente
Necesitamos la ayuda de los abogados en muchas batallas migratorias, pero el proceso de solicitar aplazamientos y permisos de trabajo no requiere el servicio de abogado

Por Elvira Arellano, La Opinión
12 de Febrero, 2015

[English below]

La historia de nuestra América Latina ha sido en gran medida una de lucha en contra de la dependencia, y a favor de la independencia. Al lograr su independencia de España y Portugal, los países latinoamericanos muy pronto cayeron en una situación de dependencia de los Estados Unidos. La naturaleza absoluta de la "doctrina de Monroe", la afirmación de parte de los Estados Unidos de que puede hacer lo que le da la gana con los países y gobiernos de América Latina es una fantasma que ha atormentado las Américas durante un siglo. La inestabilidad causada por las intervenciones militares y políticas, que ha perpetuado pobreza que tiene a su raíz el desarrollo económico desequilibrado, mientras que América Latino ha producido para el bien de su patrón en el norte y no para las necesidades de su propia gente.[...]

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Getting Ready or Getting Dependent?

We need lawyers' help in many immigration battles, but the process of applying for deferrments and work permits doesn't require a lawyer's services.

By Elvira Arellano, Sanctuary Movement
February 11, 2015

The history of Latin America, our history, is in great part a history of struggle against dependence, the struggle for independence. Independence from Spain and Portugal soon left Latin America dependent on the United States. The absolute nature of the Monroe Doctrine, the U.S. assertion that it could do with the countries and the governments of Latin America as it pleased has haunted the Americas for a century. The Instability caused by military and political intervention maintained the poverty caused by unbalanced economic development as Latin America produced for its northern sponsor instead of for its people. The latest phase of this, the production of drugs for the massive illegal drug market in the United States, has made violence a way of life for once peaceful peoples.

Dependency affects us as individuals and families as well. It affects the relationships between women and men, between children and their parents. Latinos in the United States face the same dynamic once faced by their countries of origin. It is made worse because in our cultures humility is a virtue, while in the dominant culture of the United States, humility is seen as weakness.

In the midst of all this our community has struggled mightily against an unjust immigration system and the dissection of our families by cruel deportations. We have won at least a temporary victory with the President’s executive orders that could mean security and lives of dignity for as many as five or six million people. The vision that millions of children need no longer fear their parents will be gone when they come home from school should bring us a sense of empowerment. Even those of us whom the new orders won’t cover have a feeling of satisfaction.

The task remains ahead of us, beginning in May, to sign up millions of people for these deferments and work permits that the law now permits. The success of these sign ups is not only important for the families it is our best defense against future injustice, our best offense to ultimately change the immigration law and make legalization permanent. Here again the spectre of dependency haunts our community.

Everywhere I go I find that organizations are “getting ready” for the executive order applications. Sadly, most of our Latino organizations are dependent on financial support from grants, either from the government or from liberal foundations. In their “superior wisdom” our financial sponsors have determined that we need lawyers in charge of the application process. Meanwhile private attornies are preparing the make millions this year.

Let me be clear – we need lawyers in many of our immigration battles. I am thankful for the many dedicated attorneys that have helped our community. But the application process for the deferments and work permits – for what they call DACA and DAPA – does not require lawyers. You can get an application from the internet, collect your documents and fill it out yourself. Most of us will need some help – and we should be preparing to help each other. If we are made to be dependent on lawyers for this process it will limit the number of people who can apply and endanger our whole movement.

When Jesus told his disciples to feed the 5,000 with a few fish and loaves of bread he began a movement of sharing. It is said that all 5,000 were fed and 12 baskets were left over. The disciples today are planning to tell the five million to wait until they get enough attorneys – because that is what the people with the money are telling them. That is dependency. That is not getting ready. I’ll write more about this next week.

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