Saturday, June 4, 2011

Latino Social Security Crisis

[Note: Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for Social Security, although the majority of them work on the books and contribute to the system. Even if they subsequently gain legal status, the time they worked as undocumented workers doesn't count for their Social Security benefits.--Blog editor]

Minority News
May 12, 2011

WASHINGTON -- Social Security is a critical income source for elderly and disabled Latinos because of their socioeconomic condition, higher rates of disability and longer life expectancy, according to a report published by the University of Southern California (USC) Edward R. Roybal Institute on Aging.

“Social Security is currently the only robust, reliable source of retirement income for low-income workers, underscoring the importance of ensuring the program’s viability for current, future and retired Latino workers,” said USC Roybal Institute Executive Director William A. Vega, who co-authored the primer, commissioned by AARP, with Pre-Doctoral Fellow Zachary D. Gassoumis. [...]

Read the full article:

Read the report:

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