Monday, November 29, 2010

DREAM Act Students Defy Deportations, Demand Vote in Congress

by David Bacon, t r u t h o u t
November 28, 2010

Oakland, California - This coming week, if Sen. Harry Reid keeps his word, Congress may get a chance to vote on the DREAM Act. First introduced in 2003, the bill would allow undocumented students graduating from a US high school to apply for permanent residence if they complete two years of college or serve two years in the US military. Estimates state that the act would enable 800,000 young people to gain legal residence status and eventual citizenship.

A vote in Congress would be a tribute to thousands of these "sin papeles," or people without papers. For seven years, they have marched, sat in, written letters and mastered every civil rights tactic in the book to get their bill onto the Washington, DC agenda. [...]

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